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Case Study: Pediatric Dental Practice /Equipment Purchase, Central CO

Case Studies
Posted on 
August 5, 2024


A dental practice in Central Colorado was founded just over a decade ago. Dedicated to pediatric dentistry, the Board-Certified Pediatric Dentists and staff focus their love of children to provide the full range of dental care – from teaching their young patients the proper way to brush their teeth to convincing them that a visit to the dentist can actually be fun.

The highly qualified dentists provide compassionate, understanding care for all their patients, including many with special needs or different family circumstances. The practice takes pride in having the specialized facility and equipment to expertly address today’s most demanding pediatric dentistry needs.


Any specialized medical practice, including this specialized dental practice, can quickly find itself needing to catch up with the latest equipment upgrades. What was new just ten years ago is now seriously out of date. The pediatric dental practice in Central Colorado needed funds to update half of its antiquated dental chairs and overhead dental lights.

Timing was an issue — the financing needed to be done quickly because there was a long lead time to purchase this specialty equipment. Shipping specialty medical items this large takes time, too, and installing the chairs is much more involved than typical tabletop equipment. In addition, the dentists were extremely concerned about today’s often high interest rates.


$49,500 Equipment Financing • Fast funding • “Detour Program” Discounted Payments

In this case, the dental specialists turned to the flexible lending specialists at Apex Commercial Capital. The dentists needed fast approval, and that was no problem. They were concerned about terms and Apex Commercial Capital delivered a great medical rate and payment schedule.

In addition to fast approval and exceptionally competitive rates, Apex Commercial Capital offered the dental practice a unique reduced payment plan. With Apex Commercial Capital’s “Detour Program,” the practice was offered a special discounted payment of just $99 a month for the first three months.


The funding from Apex Commercial Capital allowed the practice to update its chairs and lights with state-of-the-art equipment. Now, the dentists can take care of more patients in suites they couldn’t use before because of the age and non-repairable issues of the old chairs.

With Apex Commercial Capital’s Detour Program, the dental practice quickly obtained the funding it needed at more-than-competitive rates. The dentists ordered the chairs and overhead lights, had them delivered and installed, and were producing income for the practice before they ever had to make a full payment.


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