As 2013 comes to a close, it’s time to start thinking about how you can up your game as a small commercial mortgage broker in the New Year.
The end of the year is a great time to look back and evaluate your current marketing efforts and to plan a strategy for 2014. Here are some tips to get you more business in the coming year:
- Make sure you have a strategy. Many people simply dive right into marketing without first developing a comprehensive marketing strategy. It’s important to plan out how you’re going to reach out to both existing and potential customers. The best way to get organized and start planning is to create a schedule including all of the things you plan to post. Developing a quarterly schedule for blog posts and social media posts is a good way to plan without overwhelming yourself or your marketing department.
- Embrace social media and mobile. If you’re not already on the social media bandwagon, it’s time to hop onboard. You don’t have to use every social network, but it is important to choose several that are a good fit for your business. Checking out how Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn can add to your business is a good start for most commercial mortgage brokers. It’s also crucial that you have a website and that it is compatible with mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets.
- Start a blog. It’s a simple fact that blogging drives traffic to your website. Blog as often as you can, and post content that is helpful and valuable for existing and potential customers. As a commercial mortgage broker, you have insight into an industry about which customers want to learn more. Be sure to optimize your posts for search engines so that potential clients can find your posts.
- Try email marketing. Whether it’s a monthly newsletter, a weekly text email or the occasional promotion, email marketing is a useful tool to keep you in the forefront of customers’ minds. Make sure you have permission before you begin emailing potential and existing clients and be sure to include useful content.
As the New Year begins, it’s important to have a marketing plan and to understand the needs of your customer base. Being a small commercial mortgage broker gives you the ability to provide potential clients with valuable information and a great product, but you need to market yourself well to win their business in 2014. The above tips are a great way to begin a happy and prosperous New Year. Read more Commercial Mortgage Tips for Brokers!