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Special Employee Spotlight: Meet Shannah Berger

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Posted on 
September 6, 2024
“It's very important to me that I'm able to work with a team and inspire them so they feel motivated to come in every day. I feel that if we work together as a team, we succeed together as a team.”

We’re pleased to spotlight…

Shannah Berger, Director of Business Development, Direct Sales

“I went to La Salle University, and started as a social worker in Philadelphia. I was laid off from that position due to some restructuring in the city. My college roommate worked at Apex Mortgage at the time, and I was a barista at the Jazz and Java coffee shop in the airport. And she said, ‘Hey, do you want to try and work at this company of mine?’ The rest is history.”

Your experience with Apex Commercial Capital:

“I've been here since October of 2006. I started in data entry, entering applications. I learned about credit profiles by doing that, and how we approved different applications and customer profiles. Then, I moved into the documentation end of things. I learned what documents were needed, and why we required them. From there, I joined the management team as a team leader in the Operations department.  I moved into Account Management because somebody had left and one of our biggest accounts was unmanned, so I ended up doing sales while still working with the Operations department. By the time I had my second child, I needed to make more money, so I made the leap into sales to take on more of a business development role and earn incentives. From there, I went back into sales management, and now I find myself back in the front-end side of things to try and build more volume.”

Your role and responsibilities at Apex Commercial Capital:

“My role for the past couple of years has been to work with the sales team, helping them to build relationships and programs that bring a consistent flow of volume to our bottom line within the increasing rate environment. There has been a struggle to get customers to the closing table. So recently, I talked with the leadership team and decided that it would be better if I more involved on the front lines helping the sales team. So now, I’m joining them, and am more responsible for the originating part of it, as opposed to the building part.”

Describe a bit about your leadership style and how you motivate your team.

“I'm definitely more of a coach. I've coached my kids in soccer, softball, and basketball for years, and it's very important to me that I'm able to work with a team and inspire them so they feel motivated to come in every day.  To provide an example, say the team is losing in a game – how are you going to dig deep and pull yourself out of it? Knowing that if you're not doing your part, you're only ultimately hurting the team. So, I have always taken that kind of approach. I know that other leaders will choose to rule with an iron fist, but that has just never been my approach. I feel that if we work together as a team, we succeed together as a team.”

What are your current goals in your role?

“I am hoping within my new role that I can show that Apex is a comprehensive financial resource, not only to our current customers but also to the bank's customers. We are trying to be part of their toolbox, and really bring that Apex Commercial Capital name to the forefront – because we have been lucky that [Apex Mortgage Corp. and Firstlease] merged. We have our brand identity now, so the next step is putting our name out there and making sure that we are a resource, no matter what the conversation.”

Who do you look to for inspiration or advice and mentorship?

“I think what inspires me is that I lost my mom at a young age, and so I am truly motivated by my children and being able to live each day to its fullest and be the woman I want my kids to look up to. I know my inspiration comes from being able to show them I can operate on all fronts.  I can be their mom. I can be their coach. I can be this successful career woman. I am very thankful for all the women I have looked to over the years, especially Jamie Weinstein, who has been a mentor in all those areas. You can be everything, but you can also be human, and you can always go back to the drawing board and reinvent yourself. Come back and just be better the next day. I mean, there are 1,000 people I could thank, but if I need to name somebody I look up to, it would be Jamie because she has paved a road for me… along with Taylor Swift and Beyonce.” [Laugh]

How do you continue to learn and grow as a leader?

“I am very thankful and fortunate that I have been at this company for 18 years. I started with limited knowledge of this industry and have worked my way up to this particularly important position at Apex. The more I can grow within my career, within my position, the more I can take people under my wing and help others grow.”

What advice do you have for people in leadership positions?

“My advice is to be confident in what you value. To understand what is important to you and where you stand on certain topics. Having a firm foundation is key to balancing different personalities and situations – environmental changes, political changes, landscape changes, whatever it might be. The stronger you are in your convictions, the more you will be able to help others as they bring in all of this external noise.   Being able to compartmentalize all the different situations is a strength needed to reach your goals.”

What are the most important traits you look for when hiring somebody to join your team?

“Most recently, Katie Interrate joined our sales team. The most defining part of her interviewing process was her positivity and her drive.  In sales, you need to be able to constantly reinvent yourself. You need to have that drive. You need to be present and show up. So, even if this was a bad hour, this was a bad call, this was a bad day, this was a bad week – you cannot let that negativity change your outlook. You have to stay positive and just keep pushing, pushing, pushing. And if you lack the positivity and you lack the drive, then you are never going to be successful.”

What is the most important risk you've taken throughout your career, and why?

“I recently moved into business development full-time, which is the riskiest change that I have taken, mainly because I chose it. I saw a need and I said, ‘I’ll do it.’  I am going outside of the sales management comfort zone to take on originations headfirst. At this point in my career, I do want to challenge myself to produce, grow and integrate more within the enterprise.

What are some of your favorite things to do outside of work?

“I'm an avid dog lover. I have two boxers, Copper and Sandy, and I love to walk them. Volunteering is a true passion of mine.   My husband and I are incredibly involved with our children and their activities.  Jenna is going to be 13 and Johnny will be 10.  It gives us the opportunity to be present in the moment, which seems to be passing by very quickly.  I love the busy lifestyle filled with hustle and bustle.”

What one thing are you most proud of?

“That I'm a successful woman, especially in a very male dominated industry. I started in an entry-level position and worked hard to learn as much as I could to become part of the management team. It is a testament to my work ethic and ambition.


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